Saturday, December 22, 2007


by Annie
First I would like to personally tell Hector that I enjoyed reading his post and his lame attempt to justify his cheating habits – very smooth!

Also sorry for slacking the past couple of weeks! I’m going to try and get back on track this break!

So this is in response to Hector’s “Natural Born Cheaters” post. I know he wrote it a while ago but still ... read it again if you have to.

Men and women are very different, there is no denying that very obvious fact. And, yes, both men AND women are capable of cheating. I wont deny that either, but to say that it is natural for men to do it makes no sense, does it? Do I think guys cheat more that girls? Yes, I would say they do. It’s in a man's biology to want to wander, right? Of course not! To say that they are naturally born to cheat is going out on a limb. We come to a discussion of nature vs. nurture. Since the beginning of time men have had an upper hand on women. The IDEA (I say idea because it is not an instinct or a reflex) of polygamy has in a way been accepted for men. I saw Beowulf a couple weeks ago (IMAX – very cool!) and King Beowulf was married, he had a wife for many years, and yet he had a young girl tend his “needs” almost every night. Was the queen oblivious to what her husband was doing? No, she was very well aware. The reason why men think it is acceptable to cheat is because women allow it to happen. The queen in this movie loved her husband but there was nothing she could do about this younger girl. She was stuck.

What if women cheated on their husbands? What would happened?

Double standard! That double standard still exists today. It isn’t natural. It is instilled. It isn’t a matter of biology. It is a social construct. Sex is biological. Cheating habits aren't.

Today women are the same. Yes, I know I am bashing my own sex, but sometimes we must, and today I must. If we allow this to happen then it is never going to stop. Not only will it not stop, it will get worse. We all know the divorce rate has gone way, way up, and so has infidelity between couples. Why? Because we let it happen. We women get tricked into believing what our partners tell us.

Like the famous “it was a one-time thing” theory. When we catch guys cheating, the first excuse they offer is that it was a one-time thing. In reality, cheating is usually a pattern that is rooted in much more that a one-time lapse of judgment. If your man cheats and swears it will never happen again, don’t just take his word for it. You just can't trust that he’ll be honest about something he’s already lied to you about. Sometimes we are so stupid we tend to let men get away with dishonesty, because we so desperately want to believe in them. What we should really be doing is paying more attention. How about the “she is just a friend” line? C’mon, really? Okay so maybe she is just a friend, but a friend who comes over for a hot and heavy night once in a while. This “friend” is not enough to be a girlfriend, but he still doesn’t want to end things just in case it doesn’t work out with you.

We have all had an experience with a lying scumbag, and if you haven’t then you will. Sorry for that lack of optimism, but it is true.

Yes, I can admit that women are not perfect. We are far from it. I am simply saying men cheat because we forgive them for doing it!

"You stay classy ..."